Psykick Dancehall




DH11PA vidExtract of 'The Only Speaking Machine in the World', image poem by Psykick Dancehall, 2014
Image from 'Thinking Ourselves into Existence', exhibition by Psykick Dancehall. A man talks to a man and woman on Skype.
Detail of poster from Creative Lab residency by Psykick Dancehall at CCA Glasgow
Copy of DANCEHALL 10, journal by Psykick Dancehall. A zine with a red cover, with an abstract drawing on it.


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about Psykick Dancehall Recordings
PDH-Recs is a collaboration between Hannah Ellul and Ben Knight that emerged from an 
involvement in underground experimental music in the UK. Initially based around a label and 
events, it has subsequently expanded to incorporate other activities, often in collaboration with 
different artists along the way. 

Full site coming soon!